October 23, 2014
Bio The path that led her to this point
I am the founder of Australia’s first competitions company, Prize Pig.
We partner businesses with media competitions looking for prizes, helping stretch the marketing budget of small to medium businesses.
We also work with a few PR agencies looking after their promotions.
I have been in the media promotions world for almost 15 years with Nova, Universal Music and a PR Agency.
I am really enjoying the process of elevating promotions from a side service, to a marketing sector!
I want to support the little guys to be big, and I am super lucky to be partnering with other business owners who are excited to be entrepreneurs.
I started the agency while I was organising my wedding, and ordered my business cards on my honeymoon - since then this little pig has become my passion and I can't believe it took me so many years to take the plunge and go out on my own.
Q&A Insider advice & tips
What's been your greatest achievement to date?
I find I still squeal with each competition we confirm, and we've booked nearly two million dollars in media space.
Each time I see a client in Dolly or on Channel Ten, I feel so proud I helped them get their brand out to a totally new client base. It never gets old - woo!
What's been your biggest challenge so far?
Starting up has been a long journey.
My biggest challenge was moving from crippling freak outs, and slapping my laptop screen down with my head in my hands if something bad happened - to learning to fail, and fail fast.
I'm now trying to learn and move on immediately, and that takes the pressure off.
Best lesson you've learned along the way?
I wish I knew when I started up to build a dream team - I was Little Miss Independent, wasting time on tasks I wasn't competent in that I was trying to learn myself.
I now have a incredible team supporting me, and it leaves me open for the things that I am great at.
A website, book or resource that has helped you in your business or inspired you and why?
I am part of The Entourage Scalable Program and their resources have changed my business and my life.
I've made friends, business partners, and learned more since I joined the program that I did at uni.
Which person or brand do you most admire and why?
I'm inspired by the really small brands I work with, that are packing boxes in their kitchen for massive media promotions.
I really admire the tenacity of people who aren't intimidated by the big guys, they trust the brand they build and just go for it.
What advice would you give someone starting an independent business in your industry?
Stop thinking about it, and do it.
Finish this sentence
Everything changed for me when…
I realised that I can do it.